Saturday, May 12, 2007

What if No One Reads Your Blogs, Then What??

To one of my best friends Christy. Thank you for tagging me, I feel very honored. I would LOVE to list random facts about myself and then go on to "tag" seven of my blogger friends. Since you are one of my only friends who blogs and who reads mine (other than Ang and Tracey who I also love very much) AND because you pretty much already know EVERYTHING about me past and present, I guess there wouldn't be anything exciting to share.......
(This could be just an excuse to get out of participating, but I'm really not doing that......okay maybe a little bit...............)

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all my friends who are the BEST mother's hand picked by our Awesome God to walk with their children! Thank you for sharing your lives with me and allowing me to learn from some of the greatest mother's I know.


MADDIE said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too!!! You are a wonderful mom!!

Tracey said...

I read your blog, and totally dig your vibe. Lasso the moon adventureSISTAH! And hang on! God's got plenty of excitement ahead for you.

Tracey said...
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